Friday 4 November 2011

Selecting a Font

An important part of planning for my music magazine was choosing the font to use for my masthead. It was vital that I chose the correct font as the masthead is possibly the most important part of a magazine as (apart for the central image) it's the first thing the read looks at. I wanted the font to carry the right connotations and suggestions about what my magazine is about and the type of content that can be found inside. I considered several different options as shown above and in the end I decided to chose the font on the right. I really like this font as I feel it's very attractive to the eye and stylish which will appeal to my target audience of teenagers. It reminds me of the typical american college font which is perfectly cohesive with the genre of my magazine. It also has a sleek, finished look to it which I really like as I want my magazine to look as polished and professional as possible. Overall the font carries positive, strendy connotoations which leads the reader to think the content inside will be of a similar nature which is why I believe it's the right choice..

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