Friday 10 February 2012

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Since undertaking the preliminary task of creating the front cover and tbe contents page for a college magazine, I have learned many new skills and techniques in order to help and improve my work.

The first major difference between the preliminary and the real production was through the fact I wasn't particularly confident on photoshop and had little experience in using it. Therefore, the preliminary was incredibly useful in order to help me gather a basic understanding of the tools and effects that could be created and how. Ths meant that by the time it came to produce my music magazine, I knew exactly how to use photoshop and how to create the desired effects.

Furthermore, when I produced the pages for my college magazine i was unaware of how editing aspects of my images in photoshop such as the brightness and constrast of an image, can create an overall more polished and professional look. This is why their is such a drastic difference in the appearance of the images on the voers of my two magazines and in the overall quality.

I also hadn't put much thought into choosing the colour scheme when creating my college magazine as i wasn't aware of how important it was in order to enhance the appearance, create connotations, improve on cohesion and also to stress the genre of the magazine. However I had learnt this fact before producing my mucic magazine and therefore was able to select the appropriate colour scheme of red, white and blue in order to represent the colours of the american flag which is directly cohesive with the genre and theme.

Overall, i feel my knowledhge and skills have really improved and will hopefully continue to improve in the future. I'm realy pleased with the work I have produced and feel my music magazine pages look stylish and professional.

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